Set up Staff
You will see many areas which YOU need to decide what you want Staff to see and what you want in YOUR CLINIC, and REMEMBER SITE is First and overrides all others as it is the BOSS. Then comes CLINC and this is Specific to all staff and functions of this CLINIC and this is shown on Google searches and ONLINE bookings. Please read carefully all the details
One important thing to remember is that you must ALLOCATE Staff to a Clinic or that STAFF – EVEN ADMIN – cannot see anything that relates to that clinic. If you have many clinic locations, you must add the STAFF to each clinic. USE THE EDIT STAFF function.
Staff roles defination
Each staff members are able to have multiple roles in one account but be mind full that multiple roles may increase complexity of your data restriction. Find out more about role restriction
- Master Admin has open access and can change and delete anything.
- ADMIN is for what it says ADMIN and they get access ONLY to the CLINC you allocate them to and they can see whatever you allow when setting up their preferences.
- The principal is a person who can control a number of staff at various sites BUT cannot get all the company financials
- The provider is the person who earns you income and a ROLE must be assigned. Provider role is the main key role our system use for multiple parts of the system such as Booking sheet, invoice and claims, prescriptions, etc.
MAKE SURE YOU ALLOCATE THE STAFF AS A PROVIDER if they are earning income for you. YOU CAN ALWAYS ADD A NEW PROFESSION by asking us as it takes 3 seconds to do.
We charge only on PROVIDERS so please make sure that provider role on your staff is in correct quantity. Only a Provider can be used for BILLING customers. There are times, that provider roles may reach the limit, please contact Mediclinic Staff to increase provider limit
Steps to add new staff
Dashboard > Left menu "Staff" > Add Staff Member - Internal
Enter Mandatory information: - First name and Surname - Date of Birth - Select role - Assign permission such as Provider, Administrator, Master Administrator, etc. See role details above
Enter Mobile and Email information
Start date: Please make sure that the start date is the current date or the past date
Once you finished, click "Add Staff Member & Clinic allocation" button. After adding Staff member, system will direct you to "Manage Clinic page", you can allocate this staff to the specific clinic.
By Allocating Staff into the clinic will have certain effect to the management. Admin Staff may access list of patients and provider will appear on the allocated clinic booking sheet